Can Goku win against Cell?

Can Goku win against Cell?
Goku was stronger than Cell but he wanted Gohan to defeat him. Simple as that. Later in the otherworld, Pikkon defeated Super Perfect Cell like he was nothing, and Goku and Pikkon were evenly matched when they were fighting in the otherworld tournament. So from that, Goku was able to defeat Cell.
Does Goku kill Cell?
Goku: Killed when Cell self destructs, after Goku took him to King Kai's planet. He is revived several years later when Old Kai gives him his life.
Who can really defeat Goku?
The only one who can defeat goku is whis or any angels and grand Zeno. None of these others won't stand a chance. Goku is the main protagonist of Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball series which is, undeniably, one of the most popular anime to have ever been made.
Is anyone stronger than Goku?
10 Broly Can Keep Up With Goku In his base form, Broly is strong enough to keep up with a Super Saiyan. Yet, as a Legendary Super Saiyan, his power far exceeds that of both Goku and Vegeta. Even if he doesn't have the same 40-plus years worth of experience, Broly is a fighting prodigy.
Did hit kill Goku?
No Hit doesn't kill Goku. Hit was ordered by Vados who has been ordered by someone else…still not known. Apparently Hit's strike is flawless but when Goku fires a ki blast his heart receives a kick-start again and he lives.
What episode did Gohan defeat Cell?
Gohan fights Cell (or Perfect Cell ) in the Cell Games Saga of Dragonball Z episode 166 with the title “Faith in a Boy”. This occurs in episode 181 of the original Japanese Anime .
Who defeated cell on DBZ?
In the 1995 game Dragon Ball Z: Super Battle, after Goku defeats Cell, he gives him a Senzu Bean and allows him to live, Cell promising to return and win. In Dragon Ball Z: Budokai, Cell has a nightmare where he accidentally absorbs Krillin and becomes Cellin (セルリン, Serurin), with the form leaving him weaker.