Who would win in a fight Saitama or Omni-man?


Who would win in a fight Saitama or Omni-man?

Who would win in a fight Saitama or Omni-man?

It would be a long fight but Omni-man wins this battle. While Saitama is very strong, Omni-man has better feats and has more experience because he is over 2000 years old. Thanks for reading.

Who is stronger Superman or Omniman?

Omni-Man is a ruthless warrior who is more often covered in gore than clothes. But Superman is the strongest being ever, with almost no worthy challengers. ... Omni-Man has super strength, super speed, and the ability to fly similar to Superman.

How strong is omni-man?

(Striking power is 9874.28571429 tons and his lifting strength is 2468.57142857 tons. [This was found using The Immortal's estimated strength of 3600 tons, and the proportion between the amount of force to punch through someone in relation to their lifting ability.

Who can beat Omni-Man?

1 Would Lose To: All Might Is More Than Just A Symbol Even not in his prime, All Might has enough power to defeat Omni-Man. Though Omni-Man would have the initial advantage with his power of flight, All Might has proven during the course of My Hero Academia that not only is he a powerful fighter, he's also a smart one.

Can Omni-Man beat Goku?

The only enemy that ever defeated him was Thragg, another Viltrumite, and even then, only after a long, protracted battle. Omni-Man sees the people of Earth as insignificant insects who live and die in the blink of an eye. ... But Goku also possesses a unique power against which Omni-Man has no answer: Ki manipulation.

What is a Viltrumites weakness?

Equilibrium. One weakness Viltrumites have is their inner ear, which is delicately balanced in order to accommodate for their flight.

What is Omni-Man weakness?

One weakness Viltrumites have is their inner ear, which is delicately balanced in order to accommodate for their flight.

Can Invincible defeat Omni-Man?

Invincible: 5 DC Heroes Omni-Man Could Beat In A Fight (& 5 He'd Lose To) ... Being a Superman equivalent, Omni-Man's power level places him on a much higher pedestal than the rest of his superhero community. The Invincible comic showed that he very easily dispatched the Guardians of the Globe.

Can Marco beat Omni-Man?

Mark has only recently come into his Viltrumite abilities, so defeating Omni-Man may sound impossible, but both Mark and Nolan have their weaknesses. ... Defeating Omni-Man is going to be no easy feat. Mark's weaknesses are a little easier to spot.

Can Omni-Man beat all might?

Even not in his prime, All Might has enough power to defeat Omni-Man. Though Omni-Man would have the initial advantage with his power of flight, All Might has proven during the course of My Hero Academia that not only is he a powerful fighter, he's also a smart one.

What happens if Omni-Man and Homelander fight ten times?

Omni-Man would be victorious. If Omni-Man and Homelander fought ten times, Omni-Man may lose once. It would take distractions, the alignment of the sun and moon and other shenanigans for Homelander to pull that win off. Nonetheless, it would be a win. And the only one Homelander could get.

Why is Omni-Man better than Homelander in Invincible?

Invincible’s Omni-Man is smarter than Homelander This is the biggest reason that Homelander would lose a battle with Omni-Man. Homelander is gullible, too emotional, and can’t strategize his way out of a wet paper bag. With all the resoruces at his disposal, you’d figure he’d learn to be better.

Can a supes kill an Omni Man?

Meaning Supes may kill Omni-Man if he feels it's necessary. @Guardiandevil83: i agree from what i know omniman is powerfull not not to the degre as clark.

Who was the mother of Omni-Man Homelander?

Though the full history of his conception is a mystery, we know that his mother was a mentally disabled woman who agreed to an experimental drug trial and died giving birth to him. After his birth, Homelander spent most of his childhood strapped to a hydrogen bomb to prevent him from escaping.

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