Como Counterar A ULT do Urgot?


Como Counterar A ULT do Urgot?

Como Counterar A ULT do Urgot?

A ult do Urgot pode ser cancelada com alguma habilidade de Stun/Knock-up/Deslocamento.. Tente guardar ao menos uma para isto. Quando você for atingido pela Carga Corrosiva Noxiana saia do range rapidamente para evitar ser atingida por mais Caçadores Ácidos.

O que é forte contra Urgot?

Nami. Esta campeã é o suporte mais recomendada contra Urgot, já que pode dar um bom peel seus aliados do leste. Nami pode parar a Urgot com seu Q ou R para neutralizá-lo e, assim, matá-lo no computador.

Que item é bom contra Urgot?

Urgot ganha mais contra
NomePorcentagem de Vitória
Riven Rota Topo+3.4%
Irelia Rota Topo+3.0%
Gnar Rota Topo+2.5%
Tryndamere Rota Topo

O que ganha de Urgot?

Urgot ganha mais contra
NomePorcentagem de Vitória
Riven Rota Topo+2.9%
Fiora Rota Topo+1.3%
Renekton Rota Topo+1.2%
Camille Rota Topo

Como jogar de Riven vs Urgot?

Melhores runas para Urgot counterar Riven To have the best chance of annihilating Riven as Urgot, Urgot players should take the Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Bone Plating, and Overgrowth runes.

Quem ganha da Illaoi?

Illaoi ganha mais contra
NomePorcentagem de Vitória
Darius Rota Topo+8.4%
Renekton Rota Topo+6.3%
Jax Rota Topo+3.3%
Aatrox Rota Topo+3.2%

How often does malphite get beat by Urgot?

Malphite encounters Urgot in 42.3% of his matches. Malphite does a ok job of beating Urgot. On average, Malphite wins a acceptable 50.0% of matches the champions oppose one another in. In Malphite versus Urgot rounds, Malphite’s side is 4.0% less probable to earn first blood, implying that he most likely won't get first blood against Urgot.

What's the best way to counter Urgot in RuneScape?

Psychopathic Top says “In lane, focus on not getting hit by his flip, as that will deal a lot of damage to you since he will just Q (slow) then E (flip) and start his W rotation on you which will poke you out of lane hard. RUSH BRAMBLEVEST. It hard counters Urgot's existence and is the sole reason why this matchup is not bad.

Which is the best build to counter Urgot?

You can rest assured that the recommended build to counter Urgot as Malphite comes from real data and is not the fabrication of some random LoL player, as some other sites provide. You can use the filters at the top of the page to view the most relevant stats and items to your rank.

Are there any counter tips for Aatrox or malphite?

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