Como citar World Health Organization ABNT?


Como citar World Health Organization ABNT?

Como citar World Health Organization ABNT?

Como citar Ministério da Saúde nas normas ABNT

  1. Na frase (Citação Indireta): Brasil (2001)
  2. No fim de Parágrafo (Citação Direta): (BRASIL, 2001)
  3. Referências: BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Plano diretor. Brasília, 2001.

Como citar a Declaração de Alma-Ata?

Declaração de Alma-Ata. Conferência Internacional sobre cuidados primários de saúde; 6-12 de setembro 1978; Alma-Ata; USSR. In: Ministério da Saúde (BR). Secretaria de Políticas de Saúde.

How to cite the World Health Organization [ who ]?

According to a recent report, health objectives are falling (World Health Organization [WHO], 2011). According to the report, the main cause is a rise in infectious disease (WHO, 2011). Place a page number or paragraph number at the end. When using a quotation, you'll need to add a page or paragraph number after the quotation.

How to cite a report from the who?

Citing a Web Page or Report from the WHO. Use "World Health Organization" as the author. With any citation, you begin with the author's name. In this case, the report was authored by the organization, so you'll use "World Health Organization" at the beginning of the citation, followed by a period.

What does the who World Health report say?

This report describes the achievements of the 20th century and the challenges that are its legacy, and suggests approaches to making a difference for better health in the 21st century. The report says health should be at the heart of the global development agenda and stresses WHO's commitment to that objective. These files are Adobe PDF files.

Is the World Health Organization responsible for translation?

Please note that these translations were not created by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and the translated version, the original English version shall be the binding and authentic version.

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