Como Counterar Riven de akali?


Como Counterar Riven de akali?

Como Counterar Riven de akali?

Evite lutar contra a Riven com campeões papel, já que o dano base dela junto com o CC irão ganhar na maioria das trocas. Riven builda apenas AD, portanto pode ser efetivo comprar itens de armor caso ela fique feedada.

O que é bom contra Camille?

Camille ganha mais contra
NomePorcentagem de Vitória
Garen Rota Topo+4.7%
Gwen Rota Topo+4.0%
Sylas Rota Topo+4.0%
Tryndamere Rota Topo+3.7%

Quem é o Counter da Riven?

Riven ganha mais contra
NomePorcentagem de Vitória
Kennen Rota Topo+8.5%
Yone Rota Topo+5.1%
Sion Rota Topo+5.0%
Gangplank Rota Topo+4.3%

O que Camille Counters?

Tome cuidado com a passiva de Camille. É um escudo adaptável, tanto para inimigos AP ou AD. Mesmo com pouca vida, ela poderá avançar em você com seu combo. Cuidado com o R de camille, no R ela pula e pode counterar qualquer coisa que passa enquanto ela estiver no AR.

Quem é forte contra Riven?

Riven ganha mais contra
NomePorcentagem de Vitória
Yone Rota Topo+8.6%
Akali Rota Topo+6.1%
Sylas Rota Topo+5.6%
Gwen Rota Topo+5.5%

How often does riven win in Camille versus riven?

Typically, she wins a acceptable 49.0% of the time the champs face each other in. In Riven versus Camille games, Riven’s team is 1.0% less expected to get first blood, implying that she most likely won't get first blood against Camille.

What's the best item to use against Camille?

The best items to use in your Riven versus Camille build consist of Guardian Angel, Ravenous Hydra, and Death's Dance. When Riven used at least these three pieces in her build, she performed significantly better versus Camille than with most other typical builds. Best Riven Runes to Counter Camille

What's the best way to counter Camille in RuneScape?

Thresh also out-pokes her with grasp and can deny her escape with flay and Q. Thresh ult soft counters Camille ult as you can flay her into a wall and walk away. On the other hand, Camille has a lot of true damage, can roam effectively, and if you don't deny her engage she will punish you extremely hard for it.

What's the difference between Riven and Camille in Moba?

Riven usually has a similar longest killing spree as her enemy does. On average, Riven receives a similar amount of damage to Camille. This is usually reflective of differing health capacities; however, it can also indicate that the one champion has less mobility and thus is unable to escape additional harm when engaged or poked.

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