Como usar SIN na calculadora?


Como usar SIN na calculadora?

Como usar SIN na calculadora?

Dado um ângulo de 35º, para obtermos o valor do seu seno digitamos o valor 35 e em seguida a tecla SIN. Nesse caso aparecerá no visor o número irracional 0,5735764363510460961... . Isso significa dizer que sen35º = 0,573576... , um número irracional, pois é uma dízima não periódica.

What should I do with my sharp calculator?

The calculator should be kept in areas free from extreme temperature changes, moisture, and dust. 2. A soft, dry cloth should be used to clean the calculator. Do not use solvents or a wet cloth. 3. Since this product is not waterproof, do not use it or store it where fluids, for example water, can splash onto it.

What kind of ink roller does sharp el-1801c use?

Ink roller: Type EA-781R-BK (Black) Type EA-781R-RD (Red) WARNING APPLYING INK TO WORN INK ROLLER OR USE OF UNAPPROVED INK ROLLER MAY CAUSE SERIOUS DAMAGE TO PRINTER. 1) Set the power switch to OFF. AC power source. AC adaptor: Model EA-28A (Never use any other AC adaptor except EA-28A.)

What should you not do with sharp el-1801p?

Since this product is not waterproof, do not use it or store it where fluids, for example water, can splash onto it. Raindrops, water spray, juice, coffee, steam, perspiration, etc. will also cause malfunction. 4. If service should be required, use only a SHARP servicing dealer, a SHARP approved service facility or SHARP repair service.

Where can I get a sharp power cord cut?

4. If service should be required, use only a SHARP servicing dealer, a SHARP approved service facility or SHARP repair service. 5. If you pull out the power cord to cut electricity completely, the presently stored tax rate will be cleared.

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