Como declarar uma string JavaScript?

Como declarar uma string JavaScript?
Uma string literal são zero ou mais caracteres dispostos em aspas duplas ( " ) ou aspas simples ( ' ). Uma sequência de caracteres deve ser delimitada por aspas do mesmo tipo; ou seja, as duas aspas simples ou ambas aspas duplas. A seguir um exemplo de strings literais.
Como declarar uma variável booleana em JavaScript?
Você pode fazer var mais tarde IsLoggedIn = "Foo"; e o JavaScript não gerará um erro. var IsLoggedIn = new Boolean(false); var IsLoggedIn = new Boolean(true); Você também pode passar a variável não booleana para o new Boolean() e isso tornará IsLoggedIn booleano.
Is there a way to compare strings in JavaScript?
There is a good reason why this never works, as you will find out, plus there are three prominent ways to compare strings and get true results. Three most accurate ways to compare strings correctly in JavaScript. The == operator has its limitations here because Java is not designed to support it.
Which is faster to compare arrays in JavaScript?
You may say " But it is much faster to compare strings - no loops... " well, then you should note there ARE loops. First recursive loop that converts Array to string and second, that compares two strings. So this method is faster than use of string. I believe that larger amounts of data should be always stored in arrays, not in objects.
How to compare arrays in JavaScript using strict equality?
Here's an optimized array comparison function that compares corresponding elements of each array in turn using strict equality and does not do recursive comparison of array elements that are themselves arrays, meaning that for the above example, arraysIdentical (a, b) would return false.
How does the equals method work in JavaScript?
The equals method compares two strings and determines whether they contain similar characters. If all characters in the two strings are identical, then the operator gives a true or equal answer. Here is a quick example of how two strings that don’t contain the same characters give a false result false.