Como Baldur morreu?


Como Baldur morreu?

Como Baldur morreu?

Aceitando a sugestão de Loki, Hod atira uma flecha feita de um ramo de visco no coração de Balder, que no mesmo instante cai morto.

Quem é Baldur?

Este deus nórdico da eloquência e da paz também chamado de Baldr era filho de Frigg e Odin e irmão de Hermod e Hod. O seu irmão Hod era cego, sendo por conseguinte o deus das Profundezas. Casado com Nana, era o mais belo e o favorito dos deuses, morando num palácio que ficava na claridade de uma noite de verão.

O que matou Baldur?

Loki então entregou Hod um dardo que tinha feito do visco e se ofereceu para guiar a mão Hod como ele jogou. O dardo atingiu Balder e matou-o instantaneamente.

Why was Loki responsible for the death of Balder?

This was the worst deed ever performed by the gods and they knew that Loki was responsible, but they could not punish him; it was forbidden to spill blood on the assembly area. Odin knew that Balder’s death predicted the death of all the gods. He had great knowledge of the future and he knew he was doomed to be devoured one day.

Who was responsible for the death of Balder?

When the dart pierced Balder through, he fell down dead. This was the worst deed ever performed by the gods and they knew that Loki was responsible, but they could not punish him; it was forbidden to spill blood on the assembly area. Odin knew that Balder’s death predicted the death of all the gods.

How did Vali get rid of Balder in Norse mythology?

Instead, Vali slew his brother, the blind god Hod. Loki, who had fled the initial scene of Balder's death in Gladhseim, and then re-appeared in disguise as the giantess Thok, tried to get to safety by turning into a salmon. The salmon-Loki hid in a waterfall.

Why did Loki want to get a branch of mistletoe?

Loki kept at her asking questions until she finally revealed that there was one thing she hadn't asked because she thought it too small and inconsequential. That one thing was mistletoe. With all the information he needed, Loki set off to the forest to get himself a branch of mistletoe.

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