Como configurar uma conexão VPN para acesso remoto?


Como configurar uma conexão VPN para acesso remoto?

Como configurar uma conexão VPN para acesso remoto?

Tutorial para acessar Área de Trabalho Remota através da VPN Empresarial

  1. 1º Passo: Habilitar Área de Trabalho Remota no computador que será acessado remotamente.
  2. 2º Passo: Adicionar contas de usuários para permitir o acesso ao computador.
  3. 3º Passo: Descobrir o IP do computador.
  4. 4º Passo: Ativar VPN Empresarial do Lumiun.

O que é o OpenVPN?

O OpenVPN é um software livre e open-source para criar redes privadas virtuais do tipo ponto-a-ponto ou server-to-multiclient através de túneis criptografados entre computadores.

How to install OpenVPN GUI on Windows 10?

Guide to install OpenVPN for Windows. 1. Download OpenVPN. The first thing you need to do to connect to OVPN is to download the correct OpenVPN GUI for your computer. 2. Install OVPN. 3. Download the configuration you want. 4. Import configuration file. 5. Connect to OVPN.

Do you need a GUI to connect to ovpn?

The first thing you need to do to connect to OVPN is to download the correct OpenVPN GUI for your computer. We recommend to try the 64-bit version first if you are unsure which version you're using. If you're running Windows on a 64-bit system, download this installer.

How to set up and configure an OpenVPN server?

Numbering private subnets. Setting up your own Certificate Authority (CA) and generating certificates and keys for an OpenVPN server and multiple clients. Creating configuration files for server and clients. Starting up the VPN and testing for initial connectivity. Configuring OpenVPN to run automatically on system startup.

How does the OpenVPN authentication plugin work?

The OpenVPN server will call the plugin every time a VPN client tries to connect, passing it the username/password entered on the client. The authentication plugin can control whether or not the OpenVPN server allows the client to connect by returning a failure (1) or success (0) value. Using Script Plugins

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