Como configurar a ordem de Boot na BIOS?

Como configurar a ordem de Boot na BIOS?
Entre na BIOS e procure por uma entrada de menu denominada Boot ou Startup. Ao tentar inicializar a partir de uma unidade USB, conecte a unidade USB ao sistema antes de entrar na BIOS ou pode não aparecer na ordem de inicialização. Dentro do menu Boot ou Startup, pode haver um submenu Boot ou Startup Sequence.
How do I access the BIOS settings on my computer?
The settings are managed by a utility program built into the computer's BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). Turn the computer on. If you see an invitation to press the F2 key to enter Setup, do so. The Setup screen will appear. Run the Toshiba Hardware utility from the Toshiba Console.
How to fix BIOS configuration in Windows 10?
Fixes an issue where the BIOS Configuration Utility does no replace the older BCU version when an update is run. Provides the ability to specify the location to save log files using the /logpath parameter. /logpath:"full path" (e.g. BCU.exe /get:repset.txt /logpath:"c:\\BCUlogs\\mylog.txt")
How to access the BIOS setup / startup-Huawei?
For access the BIOS setup instead of F2 or DEL keys we need to hit the ESC key and after that a screen will appear with 3 options. We need to choose the SCU option. After that should be all right to access the BIOS.
Is the HP BIOS configuration utility compatible with XP?
*Does not support XP systems that have set the BIOS setup password. This package provides the HP BIOS Configuration Utility (BCU) for supported notebook, desktop, and workstation models that are running a supported operating system. Fixes an issue where the boot order would be set incorrectly on some systems.