O que acontece com Percy em Harry Potter?

O que acontece com Percy em Harry Potter?
Ele foi alertado por Aberforth Dumbledore sobre a Batalha de Hogwarts em 1998, e enfim reconciliou-se com a família. Sobreviveu à batalha, mas estava aflito sobre a morte de seu irmão Fred, com quem lutava lado a lado.
Qual o cheiro do Fred Weasley?
Cheiro amadeirado doce com toque especial de menta!
Porque Percy Weasley e odiado?
O motivo de eu gostar de Percy por mais injusto que ele tenha sido com a sua família, foi o fato de ele não se deixar levar pela pobreza que vivia com sua família e nem de ele lutar pelos seus objetivos e ser um aluno brilhante de Hogwarts pela casa grifinória.
Who is Molly Weasley in the Harry Potter series?
Molly Weasley is a plump, red-haired witch who is mother to Ron and his siblings ( Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George and Ginny ). She is kind and even motherly to Harry, but can be stern and strict with her own children.
Who are the Death Eaters that killed Molly Weasley?
This is likely because she was having and taking care of many young children at the time. However, her brothers were members of the Order, but were murdered during the war by five Death Eaters in 1981, including Antonin Dolohov, who was subsequently imprisoned in Azkaban for the crime.
What did Molly Weasley do to Fred and George?
One night, Molly was scared to death when she found Fred, George, and Ron's beds empty, the family car gone, and no note left behind explaining what the boys were doing. When the trio returned with Harry the next morning, having flown to Surrey and back, her anger exploded and she yelled at them for what, to Harry, seemed like hours.
Who is Ron Weasley's mother in Harry Potter?
Molly Weasley is Ron Weasley's mother. She is a plump witch and very kind, helping Harry out on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters when he doesn't know how to get to the Hogwarts Express.