Qual a forma correta do verbo to study no passado?


Qual a forma correta do verbo to study no passado?

Qual a forma correta do verbo to study no passado?

  1. I studied.
  2. you studied.
  3. he studied.
  4. we studied.
  5. you studied.
  6. they studied.

Qual é o past Participle the Study?

Mais 1 linha

Qual é o verbo to study?

study verbo (studied, studied) I have to study for a big exam tomorrow. Tenho que estudar para uma prova importante amanhã.

Como fica o verbo Study no simple present?

Por fim, quando o verbo termina com “-y” mas é precedido por uma consoante (e.g. "to study", "to try", "to cry"). Nesses casos, você substituirá o “-y” e acrescentará “-ies” no lugar. Veja o exemplo: He studies German in a public school.

Quando usar studied?

Veja alguns exemplos:

  1. I had studied [eu tinha estudado]
  2. She had traveled [ela tinha viajado]
  3. We had gone [nós tínhamos ido; a gente tinha ido]
  4. They had written [eles tinham escrito]

Qual das opções abaixo e a forma correta do particípio do verbo study?

Study – studied (estudar)

Qual é o past Participle do verbo do?

Irregular Verbs (Verbos Irregulares)
Verbo (Verb)Passado Simples (Past Simple)Participio Passado (Past Participle)

Quando se usa study?

Conjugação de study

  1. He. studies. day. and. night. . Ele estuda dia e noite. 23 Comentários.
  2. Fernanda. studies. at. a. university. near. here. . Fernanda estuda em uma universidade perto daqui.
  3. She. usually. studies. with. a. group. . Ela normalmente estuda com um grupo.

Como fica o verbo Study na terceira pessoa do singular do presente simples?


What does conjugacao do verbo " to study " mean?

Conjugação do verbo "to study" 1 Conditional. 2 Subjunctive. 3 Participle. Conheça os verbos mais usados em Inglês. Jogo recomendado Jogo da forca Jogar ou estudar vocabulário? More ...

What does conjugar Verbo mean in Spanish?

you will be studying. he/she/it will be studying. we will be studying. you will be studying. they will be studying. Present perfect continuous. I have been studying. you have been studying. he/she/it has been studying.

What is the meaning of the word study?

Past perfect continuous. I had been studying. you had been studying. he/she/it had been studying. we had been studying. you had been studying. they had been studying. Future perfect continuous. I will have been studying.

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