Quando o Percy morre?


Quando o Percy morre?

Quando o Percy morre?

Parecia mais um dia normal no acampamento meio-sangue, porém algo aconteceu, algo que muitos achavam que nunca iria acontecer. Percy Jackson havia morrido nesta manhã, na tentativa de proteger o acampamento, porém sem sucesso, Percy filho de Poseidon acabou morrendo.

Qual a sexualidade do Nico di Ângelo?

Nome ⸙Nico di Angelo
Aniversário ⸙28 de janeiro
Nacionalidade ⸙Italiano
Gênero ⸙Masculino

Em que livro Nico di Ângelo e Will Solace ficam juntos?

Nico di Angelo, seu namorado. O relacionamento entre Will e Nico nunca foi mencionado até Sangue do Olimpo.

How old was Percy when he met Annabeth?

You can't date that..girl' anymore. You must find other girls because it depends on your life.' Percy sighed then throwed a whiney three year old tantrum, 'But I love Annabeth! She's my entire life! It isn't fair." Poseidon sighed,' Please, Perseus. I'm going to be late for the council. I can't stay and keep your mouth shut' Percy still whined.

Why did Athena tell Percy not to marry Annabeth?

In a loud, clear, thundering voice she announced, 'Perseus Jackson, I do not approve of this marriage. I told you once before, stay away from my daughter. Now you have gone to far, you must be destroyed.' But before Athena could blast Percy to porkchop, Poseidon emerged from the sea and said, 'Athena, do not harm my son.

What was in the box that Annabeth got Percy?

Annabeth opened the box and gasped. Inside was a beautiful gold ring with a gold diamond eyed owl in the middle. She smiled at Percy and said, 'Of Course, Seaweed Brain!' Then Percy grinned so wide, he looked like his face would explode.

What did Percy Jackson and Annabeth do after the war?

Maybe, if you're a space alien. But what if you were a constellation getting married to another? That's what happened to Percy and Annabeth. After the war with Gaea, Percy was eighteen, and Annabeth as well. Percy got a good job and became sucessful....for a halfblood. Annabeth, she became the greatest architect in America.

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