Como Criar Política de Grupo?

Como Criar Política de Grupo?
Abra o console de Gerenciamento de Política de Grupo. No painel de navegação, expanda Floresta: YourForestName , expand Domains, expand YourDomainNamee clique em Objetos de Política de Grupo. Clique emAção e em Novo. Na caixa de texto Nome, digite o nome do novo GPO.
Para que serve o Group Policy?
Uma GPO é uma política de grupo que determina o conjunto de configurações e diretrizes para alterações simultâneas nas operações informatizadas de uma empresa, de forma que as tornem mais práticas e ágeis.
How to create a remote group policy ( GPO )?
Right-click the selected domain, and click Create a GPO in this domain, and link it here… In the New GPO dialog box, type the name of the new Group Policy object in the Name box. In the Source Starter GPO list, select the Group Policy Remote Update Firewall Ports Starter GPO that you want to use to create a new Group Policy object, and click OK.
How do I Clear my Local Group Policy?
Click the State column header to sort settings and view the ones that are Enabled and Disabled. Double-click one of the policies that you previously modified. Select the Not configured option. Click the Apply button. Click the OK button. After you complete the steps, repeat steps No. 5 through No. 8 to clear any other policy you have configured.
How to set Local Group Policy in GPEdit?
I have to set the local group policy settings and the the local security policy for a couple of machines which are not in a Windows domain. Until now, I've done that by manually setting the keys in gpedit. Due to the transition to Windows 10, I would like to automate that and use a batch or PowerShell script to set them.
Is the Local Group Policy Editor available in Windows 10?
If you're running Windows 10 Home, you won't have access to the Local Group Policy Editor at all, as it's only available on business variants of the operating system, including Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education.