Porque Tom Riddle ficou feio?


Porque Tom Riddle ficou feio?

Porque Tom Riddle ficou feio?

Sua relação com serpentes, presente desde a sua juventude, aliada à experimentos sombrios, como a criação das Horcruxes e a aliança com Lobisomens e Gigantes, acabou deteriorando a aparência de Voldemort, que se corrompeu totalmente por conta desse aprofundamento com criaturas e feitiços das trevas.

Quem Voldemort matou para criar a primeira horcrux?

Voldemort conseguiu-o estuporando o tio Morfino Gaunt. Então, matou seu pai e toda sua família por vingança, e fez Morfino ser preso pelo crime. Riddle transformou-o em Horcrux utilizando a morte de seu avô bruxo, e usou o anel durante a vida escolar.

How did Tom Riddle become Lord Voldemort?

In the Harry Potter series, it's explained that Tom Riddle, the troubled youth who would grow to become the most feared wizard of all time, invented his evil pseudonym as an anagram. Tom Marvolo Riddle becomes "I Am Lord Voldemort.".

Who are Tom Riddle's parents in Harry Potter?

He was the son of wealthy Muggles Thomas and Mary Riddle, who raised him to be snobbish and rude. Tom was coerced into marrying Merope Gaunt by means of a love potion. He left her once she stopped giving him the potion, sometime before the birth of their son, Tom Marvolo Riddle, who would grow to become the Dark Wizard Lord Voldemort.

Why did Tom Riddle leave Merope in Harry Potter?

Rumours in the town claimed that Merope had lied about being pregnant in order to induce Riddle to marry her. Riddle's son himself came to believe that his father abandoned Merope solely because he discovered she was a witch. After Riddle left, Merope was left impoverished, despondent, and alone in London.

Who is Lord earldom vomit in Harry Potter?

A silent moment for Lord Earldom Vomit, the nemesis that could’ve been. In the Harry Potter series, it’s explained that Tom Riddle, the troubled youth who would grow to become the most feared wizard of all time, invented his evil pseudonym as an anagram.

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