Como fazer um zombie Villager voltar ao normal?

Como fazer um zombie Villager voltar ao normal?
Como curar um Aldeão Zumbi no Minecraft Enquanto o Aldeão Zumbi estiver sob o efeito Fraqueza, use a Maçã Dourada nele. Então, você poderá dizer que o processo está dando certo caso partículas vermelhas estejam flutuando ao redor do Aldeão. O Aldeão Zumbi não mudará imediatamente para um Aldeão comum.
What happens when you cure a villager in Minecraft?
Now you can trade with the villager and it will offer you discounted prices on the trades because you cured it. In this example, the first trade will cost 9 coal ( instead of 15) to buy 1 emerald, and the second trade will only cost 1 emerald ( instead of 9) to buy an iron chestplate.
What's the best way to cure a zombie villager?
Steps to Cure a Zombie Villager 1. Use a Splash Potion of Weakness. First, find the zombie villager and a safe place to cure it. In this example, we've made sure there is a fence between us and the zombie villager so that it doesn't attack us while we are trying to cure it. The process of curing a zombie villager takes several minutes.
How long does it take a zombie villager to heal?
This means that the zombie villager is in the process of being cured, but it takes several minutes to complete. After about 5 minutes or so, the zombie villager will be cured and turn back into a villager again. Congratulations, you just learned how to cure a zombie villager in Minecraft.