Do I need to play re1 before re2?


Do I need to play re1 before re2?

Do I need to play re1 before re2?

At most you should play the first game in the series, Resident Evil. ... However, if you go into Resident Evil 2 remake without playing any other game in the series, you'll likely be fine.

Is it worth playing all Resident Evil games?

All are worth playing, but not all are good. I'll run through them for you if I can. Resident Evil 1, while started the franchise was needlessly hard and HORRIBLY localized. If you play, I recommend the graphical upgrade released for the Gamecube.

What Resident Evil games are worth playing?

Resident Evil 2. 9.

Are Claire and Leon's story different?

Claire and Leon have pretty different experiences in Raccoon City, but they ultimately experience a similar story. ... Leon's story has a more criminal investigation feel to it, which fits with his background. Claire's is more a story of family and protection. But both characters still start and end at the same place.

Should I Leon or Claire first?

The good news is the both campaigns play out fairly similarly. The story won't suffer from you picking either one first, so you can leave the choice largely down to character preference. That said, if you're a newcomer to Resident Evil and want to make things easier on yourself, we recommend starting with Leon.

Is RE8 better than RE7?

Actually, up until its halfway point, RE8 is more or less on par with RE7 in terms of the horror factor. ... It's very much like the Baker House and The Old House segments in RE7. In those segments, just like these, Ethan's arsenal doesn't do him all that much good against his monstrous captors.

Which Resident Evil is the hardest?

The single toughest boss in the Resident Evil canon is none other than Nemesis, upgraded to near undefeatable status in the newest version of the franchise, RE3.

Is Claire faster than Leon?

Specifically, when Claire's health is in the “Caution” status, she'll actually run faster than her default speed. On top of this, Claire is already naturally faster than Leon. Not just that, she controls a bit more fluidly, turning with more ease than Leon. In general, she's a “smoother” character to play as.

Is it better to play as Leon or Claire first?

The good news is the both campaigns play out fairly similarly. The story won't suffer from you picking either one first, so you can leave the choice largely down to character preference. That said, if you're a newcomer to Resident Evil and want to make things easier on yourself, we recommend starting with Leon.

Can you play Resident Evil 2 remake without other games?

However, if you go into Resident Evil 2 remake without playing any other game in the series, you’ll likely be fine.

Is there going to be a RE3 remake?

RE3 remake isn't even a thing yet, there's no guarantee or confirmation that what you're waiting for will actually ever happen, and if it does, it won't be anytime soon. If you want to get a grasp on the overall series timeline, just play the games as they exist now.

Which is better Resident Evil 1 or 2?

If you want to get a grasp on the overall series timeline, just play the games as they exist now. Start with 1 and 0 (or 0 and 1 if you want to be strict about chronology) then play RE2 (Claire A - Leon B is the most true to the current canon), RE3, RECV, 4, Revelations, 5, Revelations 2, 6 and 7.

What do you do in Resident Evil 2?

Explore the city, solve various puzzles, scavenge for resources, and survive the horror. Resident Evil 2 (also known as Biohazard 2) is a zombie survival role-playing horror video game originally released for the PlayStation but was later ported to the Nintendo 64 gaming console (N64).

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