Como conjuga o verbo GO?

Como conjuga o verbo GO?
Conjugação do verbo "to go"
- Present. I. go. you. go. ...
- Present continuous. I. am going. you. are going. ...
- Simple past. I. went. you. went. ...
- Past continuous. I. was going. you. were going. ...
- Present perfect. I. have gone. you. ...
- Present perfect continuous. I. have been going. you. ...
- Past perfect. I. had gone. you. ...
- Past perfect continuous. I. had been going. you.
Qual é o verbo see?
The verb of the day is: see. Ver. Past. Saw.
Qual é o verbo em inglês?
Aqui, além das aulas regulares, você tem todo o suporte para aprender inglês no seu ritmo....Os 50 principais verbos em inglês.
To go | Ir | Went |
To have | Ter | Had |
To hear | Escutar | Heard |
To help | Ajudar | Helped |