How do you say thank you guys?


How do you say thank you guys?

How do you say thank you guys?

There are many ways. You can say "Thanks, guys!" ("Thanks, Peter, Paul and Mary!"), "Thank you, guys!" ("Thank you, Peter, Paul and Mary!"), etc. You do not say "Thanks you guys", "Thanks you, guys" or "Thank guys!" Note the use of the comma. A very common mistake is "Thanks to God".

What is the meaning of thank you guys?

Thank you guys = used with friends. "Thanks guys" is more common with friends though, I think. Thank y'all = it should be "thanks y'all". It's a slang, so only use it with people you're close with. It means "Thank you everyone".

Is Thank you all proper?

"Thank you all" is correct because the "I" is implied. The verb "to thank" is correctly conjugated as "thank" for the subject "I." Correct as is! The word "you", in English, can be singular or plural.

Does thank you all need a comma?

If you are telling someone “thank you” directly, you always need a comma after “thank you.” This is the most common way of using the phrase, so in most cases you will want that comma. You should also put a comma or a period after “thank you” if it's the last part of a letter or email before your name or signature.

How do you say thank you too?

The most common way to thank somebody is gratias agere. Though there are other ways, this is both common and commonplace. If you want to say "you too!" to someone, there are two common ways: et tu (think Caesar to Brutus) and tu quoque.

Is it Thank you everyone or thank you all?

A) "Thank you all for the likes comments" or "Thank you, dear brothers and sisters, for the likes and comments". Any of these will sound fine, just pick which you like the sound of more, or which conveys your sentiment best. ("Thank you all everyone" is repetitious - "all" and "everyone" mean the same thing.

Is it Thank you everyone or everybody?

Thanks for asking this question. The short answer is, there's not much difference! Both of these words mean "every person," and in dictionaries, the meaning of everyone is often given as everybody, and vice versa.

Can I say thank you all?

"(I) thank you all" is correct English, and a complete sentence. "Thank you all" is correct because the "I" is implied. The verb "to thank" is correctly conjugated as "thank" for the subject "I." Correct as is! The word "you", in English, can be singular or plural.

Is it thank you or thank you?

Never hyphenate this word. It's either Thank you or Thankyou. And most of the time, thank you is the correct choice. ... Thank you is the most commonly used form of this word.

Can I say thank you you too?

The most common way to thank somebody is gratias agere. Though there are other ways, this is both common and commonplace. If you want to say "you too!" to someone, there are two common ways: et tu (think Caesar to Brutus) and tu quoque.

When to say thank you guys or Thank y'all?

Thank you guys = used with friends. "Thanks guys" is more common with friends though, I think. Thank y'all = it should be "thanks y'all". It's a slang, so only use it with people you're close with. It means "Thank you everyone". Thank you all = a bit more polite than the first one.

Is it okay to say " you guys " to a group of people?

It's totally fine as long as you're mindful of who you're saying it to, however that might be more of an issue of tone than it is of offending people for using gendered speech. To break it down, you would be totally fine saying something like "are you guys coming?" to a group of guys, to a group of guys and girls, or even a group of girls.

What's the best way to say thank you in a letter?

Your writing, at its best. Be the best writer in the office. “Thank you very much” has been a long-time go-to for emphasizing thanks, but with its formal tone it won’t always be the best choice for conveying feelings in a personal way.

What do you mean when you say you guys?

We don’t mean you specifically … but the term itself. For years, the phrase you guys has been employed as a useful workaround when addressing a mixed-gender group. But as gender norms evolve, the usefulness and appropriateness of you guys comes into question.

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