Como a Letty morreu?

Como a Letty morreu?
No cânone da saga, as três aventuras se passam antes de Desafio em Tóquio. Antes de Han, Letty foi a primeira personagem a ser trazida de volta dos mortos. Em Velozes & Furiosos 4 (2009), a namorada de Dom foi dada como morta após trabalhar como infiltrada em um grupo de traficantes.
Em que parte de Velozes e Furiosos 7 Brian morre?
O ator que dava vida a Brian O'Conner morreu em 2013 em um acidente de carro. O diretor de Velozes e Furiosos 9, Justin Lin, afirmou recentemente que pensa em trazer de volta à franquia o personagem de Paul Walker, Brian O'Conner.
Quem morreu no começo de Velozes e Furiosos 4?
Paul Walker morreu em 30 de novembro de 2013, aos 40 anos, num acidente de carro no sul da Califórnia, nos Estados Unidos, informou o seu publicitário na conta oficial do ator no Twitter e no Facebook.
How does Letty escape in fast and furious?
Letty tries to escape through the subways, but is followed by Riley. The two fight each other, and Letty tackles Riley down the stairs, and finally escapes on a subway train. She heads back to Shaw, and tells him that Ivory was killed, but his lack of caring frustrates her.
Where did Letty Ortiz live in The Fast and the Furious?
Early Life. Letty was presumably born and raised in the same neighborhood as the Toretto family, taking an interest in cars when she was ten years old. Dominic, a fellow car enthusiastic like his father, "always had her attention". When she became sixteen, Dominic took romantically interested in her. She lived down the street from them.
How did Letty Ortiz get out of the car?
However, she is chased by Calderon who manages to flip her car leaving her injured in the wreckage. As Calderon approaches intending to shoot her, he instead shoots and blows up the car after Letty crawled out of it. The explosion throws her into the underbrush, and Calderon leaves her for dead.