Como instalar o mozilla no Linux pelo terminal?


Como instalar o mozilla no Linux pelo terminal?

Como instalar o mozilla no Linux pelo terminal?

Passo a passo de como instalar o Firefox

  1. Baixe o Firefox através da página de download do Firefox, para a sua pasta “Home”.
  2. Abra o terminal e siga para o diretório home: cd ~
  3. Extraia o conteúdo do arquivo baixado: tar xvjf firefox-*.tar.bz2.
  4. Feche todas as janelas do Firefox se tiver alguma aberta.

Como chamar um programa pelo terminal?

Para executar um programa pelo terminal, basta digitar seu nome. Por exemplo: firefox . Logo que o firefox inicia, o terminal trava e eu não posso mais utilizá-lo.

How to uninstall, install and update Firefox on Ubuntu?

To uninstall Firefox we can once again use apt. The following linux command will uninstall Firefox from your system: The following section will explain on how to install and update Firefox using Mozilla developer PPA repository. The following linux command will update the already installed Firefox using the default Ubuntu repository.

How to uninstall Firefox on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic?

To uninstall Firefox we can once again use apt. The following linux command will uninstall Firefox from your system: $ sudo apt remove firefox Install and Update Firefox from Mozilla PPA repository

Is the Firefox web browser installed on Ubuntu?

The Firefox web browser is most likely installed on your Ubuntu 18.04 system. If this is not the case you can install it be executing the following linux command: The following linux command will update the already installed Firefox using the default Ubuntu repository.

How to remove Firefox from Ubuntu home directory?

Delete .macromedia/ and .adobe in your home directory, these can contain "Flash Cookies" stored by the browser. The same is true, if applicable, for Silverlight (Moonlight) and other plugins, they can allow websites to store data on your computer. Delete /etc/firefox/, this is where your preferences and user-profiles are stored

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