Como entrar em Jotunheim God of War?

Como entrar em Jotunheim God of War?
Ouça em voz altaPausarComeça por atingir a roda dentada do primeiro disco durante um pouco, até que o caminho para o segundo fique desimpedido, e depois atinge a pequena roda dentada do disco e espera até que se alinhe por trás do primeiro de forma exacta, e depois recupera o machado.
What does Vanaheim mean in Old Norse mythology?
For other uses, see Vanaheim (disambiguation). In Norse cosmology, Vanaheimr ( Old Norse for 'home of the Vanir ') is a location associated with the Vanir, a group of gods themselves associated with fertility, wisdom, and the ability to see the future .
Where does Vanaheim take place in the comics?
In the comics, originally, Vanaheim was one of the regions of Asgard 's planetoid. This was later retconned in the most recent canon. Vanaheim is seen to be densely wooded with little evidence of heavy-industrialization of space-faring races.
How did njorðr come to be in Vanaheimr?
Vafþrúðnir responds that Njörðr was created in Vanaheimr by "wise powers" and references that Njörðr was exchanged as a hostage during the Æsir-Vanir War. In addition, Vafþrúðnir comments that, when the world ends ( Ragnarök ), Njörðr will return to the "wise Vanir" (Bellows here anglicizes Vanir to Wanes ):
Where did Vanaheimr fall among the Nine Worlds?
Hilda Ellis Davidson comments that exactly where Vanaheimr fall among the Nine Worlds isn't clear, since "the chief gods Freyr and Njord with a number of others, are represented along with the Æsir in Asgard, but it seems probable that it was in the underworld."