Quais navegadores dão suporte ao Sway na web?

Quais navegadores dão suporte ao Sway na web?
Quais dispositivos dão suporte ao Sway? O Sway na Web é a melhor experiência ao se usar o Microsoft Edge, o Internet Explorer 11, o Firefox 17 ou posteriores, o Chrome 23 ou posteriores e o Safari 6 ou posteriores.
Como colocar áudio no Sway?
Para adicionar arquivos de vídeo ou áudio ao seu Sway, siga um destes procedimentos:
- No Explorador de Arquivos, arraste e solte os arquivos de áudio ou vídeo diretamente para seu Enredo.
- Na barra de menus superior, clique em Inserir e clique no menu suspenso Sugerido.
Where do I go to sign in to sway?
Sign in. Go to sway.office.com. Select Sign in on the top menu bar with your Microsoft account or work or school account for Microsoft 365. Note: Sway is free to use for anyone with a Microsoft account (Hotmail, Live, or Outlook.com).
Do you have to have a Microsoft account to use Sway?
Share your completed Sways on the web. Select Sign in on the top menu bar with your Microsoft account or work or school account for Microsoft 365. Note: Sway is free to use for anyone with a Microsoft account (Hotmail, Live, or Outlook.com).
How can I share my sway with others?
Apply designer-created layouts and color schemes, or let Sway suggest design elements that match your content. Search and import relevant content from other sources. Share your completed Sways on the web. Select Sign in on the top menu bar with your Microsoft account or work or school account for Microsoft 365.
Is there a problem with the sway app?
We're sorry. Something is broken. Don't worry, though; we made note of the error and will investigate it.