O que significa o nome Happy birthday?


O que significa o nome Happy birthday?

O que significa o nome Happy birthday?

Bday ou b-day é a forma abreviada de birthday, palavra em inglês que pode ser traduzida como "aniversário", em português. Por norma, a expressão "happy bday" é usada como abreviação de "happy birthday" ("feliz aniversário"), principalmente em mensagens de texto.

O que significa o nome Happy?

feliz adj. My mother was very happy with my present.

O que significa essa palavra Happy?

happy {adjetivo} feliz {adj. ... felizes {adj. m./f.

Como se escreve meu aniversário?

substantivo masculino Dia em que se comemora o nascimento de alguém; dia em que algo ou alguém fica um ano mais velho: 13 de março é o dia do meu aniversário. Dia em que se completa ou se comemora um ou mais anos de uma ocorrência: aniversário da abolição da escravatura.

What to say to someone on their birthday?

“Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people in the history of ever.” “Thanks for being here, for being you.” “Warmest wishes and love on your birthday and always!” “Be safe, have fun, take pictures, and enjoy every minute of this exciting time in your life!”

Do you write a birthday message in a birthday card?

Birthdays are a big deal — those special days in the year when we celebrate our favorite people for making another trip around the sun. That’s a huge! And adding a personal birthday message in a birthday greeting card for someone is an awesome way to make them feel amazing on their special day.

What should I write on my 25th birthday card?

“Hope you make your [25th] a birthday to remember!” “Go forth from this birthday and prosper in your [ukulele playing]!” “Another year older, and you just keep getting stronger, wiser, funnier and more amazing!” “Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people in the history of ever.”

What to write in a belated birthday card?

Writing tip: Cards made specifically for belated birthdays are good for when you remember the birthday after the fact. However, if you already have the card but just didn’t get it delivered on time, stick with what you’ve got. You can mention its lateness in your personal message—or not. It’s really your call.

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