Como está Steve Jobs hoje?


Como está Steve Jobs hoje?

Como está Steve Jobs hoje?

O icônico empresário faleceu há nove anos, de câncer pancreático, aos 56 anos.

O que ele criou Steve Jobs?

iPhone iPadMacintoshiPodTela retina Steve Jobs/Invenções

Como Steve Jobs era?

Steve Jobs (1955-2011) foi um empresário norte-americano, fundou a Apple. Criou o "Macintosh", o "iPod", o "iPhone" e o "iPad". A Apple revolucionou a indústria de computadores pessoais, os filmes de animação, o mundo da música e dos telefones celulares.

Quantos anos teria Steve Jobs hoje?

Nesta segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2020, Steve Jobs completaria 65 anos.

Quanto dinheiro Steve Jobs teria?

Steve Jobs
FortunaUS$ 8 bilhões (2011)
ProgenitoresAbdellFattah John Jandali, Paul Jobs Joanne Carole Schieble, Clara Hagopian Jobs
CônjugeLaurene Powell Jobs (1991–2011)

Qual empresa de Steve Jobs?

Foi um empreendedor que ao longo de sua vida criou empresas como a Apple, Next e Pixar. Junto com Steve Wozniak fundou a Apple na garagem de sua casa em Los Altos, Califórnia.

What is the summary of Steve Jobs?

Steve Jobs ( – Octo) was an American businessman and inventor who played a key role in the success of Apple computers and the development of revolutionary new technology such as the iPod, iPad and MacBook. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, 1955, to two university students Joanne Schieble and Syrian-born John Jandali.

What was Steve Jobs life story?

Steve Jobs: The man who brought Style to Computers Biography. Born in San Francisco, California, to parents that were unable to care for him, Steve Jobs early life was a struggle for identity. Childhood and Early life. ... Education. ... High School. ... Reed College. ... Pre-Apple Career. ... Beginning of Apple. ... NeXT computers. ... Pixar and Disney. ... Return to Apple. ...

What was Steve Jobs early life like?

Early life. Steven Jobs was born Febru, in San Francisco, California, and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He grew up with one sister, Patty. Paul Jobs was a machinist and fixed cars as a hobby. Jobs remembers his father as being very skilled at working with his hands.

What is Steve Jobs educational background?

Jobs graduated from Homestead High School in Cupertino , California, in 1972. While in high school, Jobs spent his free time attending various after-school lectures at the Hewlett-Packard Company, where he also worked with Steve Wozniak as a summer employee. After high school, Jobs attended Reed College for one semester but then dropped out.

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