Como ter o Sylveon no Pokémon GO?

Como ter o Sylveon no Pokémon GO?
Evoluir para Sylveon em Pokémon Go No caso do Sylveon, o jogador deve colocá-lo como companheiro e cumprir tarefas com o Pokémon até alcançar pelo menos 70 corações acumulados. Depois disso, é só ir até a página do Eevee para evoluí-lo.
How can I evolve Eevee into Vaporeon?
To evolve Eevee into Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon, all you have to do is rename your Pokemon to a specific term listed in the chart below. Once you’ve edited the name of your Eevee accordingly, confirm the rename (tap OK), then restart the Pokemon Go app to make sure the name change was saved to the servers.
How do you get Eevee in Pokemon Go?
To evolve your Eevee in Umbreon in Pokemon GO, you need to name your Eevee ‘Tamao’ before you evolve. Once you have done so, press evolve and your Eevee will turn into Umbreon.
How do you get Eevee?
The easiest way to get an Eevee if you don't already have one is to go to the Paniola Nursery (located on Akala Island), talk to the woman behind the counter, and select Yes when she asks if you want a Pokémon egg. The egg will hatch into Eevee after a few minutes.