Como evoluir o Swinub?

Como evoluir o Swinub?
Evoluções: um Swinub evolui para Piloswine no level 33. Um Piloswine evolui para Mamoswine após aprender a habilidade Ancient Power; para isso, basta ir até um Centro Pokémon e ensinar a habilidade a ele através do NPC das técnicas.
What kind of Pokemon does Munna evolve into?
Munna is a psychic-type 'Dream Eater' Pokémon, which evolves into the marginally larger Musharna. Despite their slightly ominous habit of feeding off of people's dreams, both Pokémon can be highly effective on the battlefield. With a catch rate of 190, the only real question is where to find one.
What happens if you get eaten by a Munna?
A person whose dream was eaten by a Munna will forget the dream's contents. The Dream Mist will be pink if the dream was pleasant. However, Munna can also seek out and cure people and Pokémon who are having nightmares.
What does a Munna do in Pocket Monsters?
Munna, the Dream Eater Pokémon. Munna can eat the dreams of people and Pokémon alike, and then project those dreams by emitting Dream Mist from its body. A Munna appeared in Pocket Monsters BW .
When do you give a Munna a moonstone?
Munna requires a Moonstone to evolve. It's best to wait until Munna reaches level 48 to give it the Moonstone. This is when the Pokémon learns its last hard-hitting move, Future Sight. Sticking solely to learned moves, Munna acquires Magic Coat at level 20, which reflects status effects at its opponent.