Como evoluir Eevee para Espeon pokémon Sun?

Como evoluir Eevee para Espeon pokémon Sun?
Evolua o Eevee durante o dia (Espeon) ou durante a noite (Umbreon) assim que a amizade estiver acima de 220. Se acredita que alcançou o nível 220 de amizade, suba de nível com o Eevee para evoluí-lo para o pokémon desejado.
Como evoluir Eevee para Sylveon pokémon Sun?
Uma vez tendo dois corações e sabendo um move tipo fada, seu Eevee evolui para Sylveon da próxima vez que subir de nível.
How to evolve Eevee in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon?
Answer: I think you are confusing Pokemon GO with Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. For Pokemon GO, you have to nickname your Eevee "Tamao" to evolve it to an Umbreon. For Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, you have to train and level up Eevee during the night to evolve it to an Umbreon.
When do you train Eevee to evolve into an Espeon?
This pokémon is associated with the sun, so it is important that you train your Eevee during daylight hours to help it evolve into an Espeon. Umbreon is a Dark-type Eeveelution. Umbreon is a Dark-type Pokémon. It’s a stylishly sleek and mysterious creature. Darkness and the moon’s energy pulses aid Umbreon during its skirmishes.
Where do you get Eevee in Pokemon Moon?
Alternatively, Eevee can be obtained through trade or Pokémon Roulette . Eevee does not evolve into Sylveon using Moon Stone in CORE games (Ex: Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon). Instead, it needs to have a Fairy -type move in it's moveslot and at least 3 affection points in Pokémon Amie or Pokémon Refresh).
When does Eevee evolve into Umbreon in Pixelmon?
Evolves into Flareon when a fire stone is used on it. Evolves into Espeon when leveled up with happines over 220 at day. Evolves into Umbreon when leveled up with happines over 220 at night. Evolves into Leafeon when leveled up near mossyrock.