Como fazer slime de bórax?


Como fazer slime de bórax?

Como fazer slime de bórax?

Modo de preparo

  1. Em um pequeno bowl, coloque bórax e água quente. ...
  2. Pegue outro recipiente, adicione uma colher de sopa de água à cola;
  3. Acrescente três colheres de sopa da solução de bórax à cola e mexa bem;
  4. Se a slime estiver muito pegajosa, coloque mais bórax e se estiver dura, mais cola;
  5. Está pronta para brincar.

Como fazer Slime caseira com 3 ingredientes?

Misture bem na água o bicarbonato para dissolver bem. Em seguida adicione a água boricada, misture e guarde em um recipiente fechado....Em uma vasilha adicione:

  1. 1 copo de água.
  2. 1 colher de sopa de bicarbonato de sódio.
  3. 1 colher de chá de água boricada.

What kind of slimes do you get in slime rain?

During the event, Green Slimes, Blue Slimes, and Purple Slimes, along with the occasional Pinky will rain down from the sky. After a total of 150 slimes have been defeated, (or 75 if King Slime has been defeated previously), the King Slime will spawn.

What happens if King slime is not defeated?

If King Slime is not defeated after so much time has elapsed (9-15 in-game hours) the event will end prematurely. When the event ends, a message will appear saying "Slime has stopped falling from the sky" .

What can you do with King slime in terraria?

King Slime will also offer loot that is useful at the beginning of the game. An enclosed shelter with a 1×1 hole in the wall will allow the player to fire arrows and use Yoyos from relative safety. However, once King Slime spawns, it is advised to leave, as he can teleport into the shelter and trap the player.

When does King slime spawn in slime rain?

Slime Rain continues until 150 slimes have been defeated, at which point King Slime will spawn. If King Slime has previously been defeated, he will spawn after only 75 slimes have been defeated.

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