Como fazer a Ciri virar Imperatriz?

Como fazer a Ciri virar Imperatriz?
*Quando Ciri perder a cabeça na quest A Criança do Sangue Ancestral, diga “Vá em frente” e encoraje ela a quebrar tudo junto com você. *Diga “Sim, eu vou com você” quando Ciri pedir para visitar o túmulo de Skjall na quest A Criança do Sangue Ancestral. Dessa forma Ciri irá se tornar a imperatriz de Nilfgaard.
How can I make Ciri become a witcher?
Instead tell that time is of the essence. In second ending Ciri becomes a witcher. If you want to get this ending, you must pick one mandatory and two additional actions/dialogues according to the list below. They are the opposite of negative decisions that make the girl die.
How to become a witcher in the Witcher 3?
The Child of the Elder Blood quest: tell to calm the girl when she will start getting angry. Don't agree to visit Skjall grave when you will be asked to. Instead tell that time is of the essence. In second ending Ciri becomes a witcher.
What was the fate of the Swallow in the Witcher 3?
The Fate of the Swallow in The Witcher 3 relates to five Ciri choices Geralt must make. Depending on what the White Wolf chooses, players could end up with any number of endings. However, there is a right and wrong set of dialogue choices to make if you want the best ending in The Witcher 3.
Who was the Princess of Cintra in the Witcher?
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (better known as Ciri ), was born in 1253, and most likely during the Belleteyn holiday. She was the sole princess of Cintra, the daughter of Pavetta and Emhyr var Emreis (who was using the alias "Duny" at the time) as well as Queen Calanthe 's granddaughter. After Geralt...