Onde dropar itens chãos no MU?

Onde dropar itens chãos no MU?
Como fazer? - Va até o Goblin que fica no meio da cidade de Lorencia ou na cidade de Noria. - Escolha a opçao Criar Item Chaos. - Coloque uma Jewel of Chaos e o item dourado mencionado acima.
Como fazer asa Level 1 no MU?
1º Passo: Criar Chaos Weapon, na Chaos Machine: -Escolha a opção “Create Chaos Item”. -Coloque 1 item no mínimo +4+Option. -1 Jewel of Chaos.
How to get a chaos weapon in MU Online?
Steps: * Go to 'Noria' and search for the NPC 'Chaos Goblin'. * Start the dialogue with it and choose a 'Caos Weapon Combination' option (In older versions, it may be 'Regular Combination') * Place the items in the appearance window. * Get your item ready if it is successful. In 'Mu Online' are 3 'Chaos Weapon' or Chaos Item:
How many options do you have in the Chaos Machine?
When entering the Chaos Machine, the player will have 2 options to choose from (and 3 options in Season 3). The General Combination is where nearly everything is made using the chaos machine. The reason why Chaos Weapons has their own place is to prevent collision with other item-making combinations.
Where is the Chaos Machine in RuneScape season 3?
The Chaos Machine is located in Noria's center of the city, near the vaultkeeper. In order to use it, one's character must be at level 10 or higher. When entering the Chaos Machine, the player will have 2 options to choose from (and 3 options in Season 3). The General Combination is where nearly everything is made using the chaos machine.
How to make a chaos weapon in RuneScape?
The Chaos Weapon Combination is used, as the name suggest, to make Chaos Weapons. 1 Any Item +4+4 +4+4 means it has to have +4 item level (tinted in red,), and +4 option (like you put 1 Jewel of Life on the item). (at least)