Como criar regras no Mikrotik?


Como criar regras no Mikrotik?

Como criar regras no Mikrotik?

Como criar as Regras de Firewall ?

  1. As regras de Firewall MikroTik são sempre processadas por cadeia, contudo, na ordem que são listadas, ou seja, de cima para baixo.
  2. As regras de Firewall MikroTik funcionam como em programação (expressões condicionais, “se então ”).

Como liberar porta no winbox?

Abra o Winbox e acesse “IP” – “Firewall”, em seguida clique na aba “NAT” e no símbolo de + (mais) para adicionar uma nova regra....Para a aba “Action”, configure o seguinte:

  1. Action = dst-nat.
  2. To Addresses = O(s) endereço(s) que deseja direcionar os pacotes.
  3. To ports = A porta ou o range de portas que deseja redirecionar.

O que é firewall MikroTik?

Outra função exercida pelos produtos Mikrotik é a de firewall, um dispositivo de segurança de rede responsável por monitorar todo o tráfego de entrada e saída. Ele é uma espécie de filtro que permite ou bloqueia tráfegos específicos de acordo com definição das regras internas de segurança.

What does the rule 0 mean in Nat MikroTik?

Matches packets only if a given amount of bytes has been transfered through the particular connection. 0 - means infinity, for example connection-bytes=2000000-0 means that the rule matches if more than 2MB has been transfered through the relevant connection Matches connections per address or address block after given value is reached.

How does MikroTik replace source address of IP packet?

After packet is matched it is passed to next rule in the list, similar as passthrough masquerade - replaces source port of an IP packet to one specified by to-ports parameter and replace source address of an IP packet to IP determined by routing facility.

Are there any Internet protocols that do not work with Nat?

Hosts behind a NAT-enabled router do not have true end-to-end connectivity. Therefore some Internet protocols might not work in scenarios with NAT. Services that require the initiation of TCP connection from outside the private network or stateless protocols such as UDP, can be disrupted.

How does destination NAT work in a router?

destination NAT or dstnat. This type of NAT is performed on packets that are destined to the natted network. It is most comonly used to make hosts on a private network to be acceesible from the Internet. A NAT router performing dstnat replaces the destination IP address of an IP packet as it travel through the router towards a private network.

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