Qual a passiva da Caitlyn?

Qual a passiva da Caitlyn?
Passivo: Caitlyn periodicamente carrega uma carga de Armadilha Mecânica Yordle, até uma quantidade máxima guardada de uma vez. Ativo: Caitlyn coloca uma armadilha na localização alvo que fica pronta após 1,1 segundos e dura até 90 segundos.
Qual o preço da Caitlyn?
1.820 RP A skin da Caitlyn é classificada como “Lendária” e custa 1.820 RP (Riot Points), pois, além de mudar o visual, traz novas animações e falas.
What are the best combos for Caitlyn in RuneScape?
Make sure the first AA lands right before the E then attack move command next to your target for the headshot proc. To bait your opponent closer to you, R then mid animation Flash. E Q your target instantly and AA. Outside of normal range, Q then mid animation Flash. E W instantly and AA twice.
Do you have to Q before a Cait combo?
That increases your range and makes it hard to dodge, also you can simply keep walking backwards and not take damage. As /u/Elladhan said, you always want to Q before anything else in combos, as it is a skillshot with a channel time, and can easily be dodged if you fail to do so.
What's the best way to do an E Q Q combo?
As for E+Q combos, it depends. Sometimes, it doesn't help to simply E directly backwards; try to vary the angles of your Es. If you're too close to the river, try angling your E towards the wall to not only guarantee a headshot proc, but to also give yourself a little more space between yourself and any incoming enemies in the river.
Why did DWG ghost pick Jhin for Caitlyn?
In case you didn't know, DWG Ghost had selected Caitlyn for his DWG skin but Riot convinced him to pick Jhin instead. Fuck this trash company. DWG Cait would have been such a cool skin but Riot gotta do Riot things. Sorry for the rant but as someone who always wished for a Worlds Caitlyn skin, this really makes me salty.