Who can beat Goku full power?

Who can beat Goku full power?
Another character who can beat Goku is Zeno and he is within the Dragon Ball universe. Goku may be able to destroy planets but Zeno is the one that destroyed six universes alone all by himself. Zeno could instantly erase Goku.
Can Goku beat Jiren?
Dragon Ball Super finished its anime series with the big Tournament of Power battle between Goku and Jiren, and in an unexpected turn, Goku actually lost the fight, and needed the teamwork of old foes (Freeza and Android 17) in order to finally beat Jiren, and bring home the win for Universe 7.
Who is stronger than Goku?
Vegeta has always been stronger than Goku, but only with them at the same level. On the Sayan saga, when they fought on their base form, Goku needed the kaioken to beat Vegeta...and on the Android saga, when Vegeta first became a Super Sayain, he was stronger than Goku when he first became a Super Sayain.
Is Sonic stronger than Goku?
Goku can't speedblitz Sonic. Sonic has the speed advantage, but Goku has superior the rest of the stats, however Sonic has notable hax techniques like Chaos Control, he can stop time, which would give a lot of problems to Goku, and Hyper Sonic is far superior than Super Sonic. Anyway, Goku would win for a bit.
What characters can beat Goku?
The only character in FT that can beat Goku is Zeref and that's due to his immortality and Death magic. Goku can solo everyone in Fairy Tail (Of the exception of Zeref) and you need to stop.
How old is Goku?
At the start of the Dragon Ball Z series, Goku is 24 years old and is still living at Mount Paozu in a newly built house near his old house, with his wife Chi-Chi and their four year old son, Gohan, named after Goku's adoptive father, Grandpa Gohan.