Como fazer um mashup no Audacity?

Como fazer um mashup no Audacity?
Clique no botão " ferramenta Time Shift " na barra de ferramentas Audacity. Arraste as seções do trato vocal para trás e para alinhá-los com os marcadores que você criou. Clique em " Play" para ouvir o mashup, em seguida, fazer os ajustes necessários. Clique em " Tracks ", clique em "Mix e Render.
Como criar sua própria música no Audacity?
Abra o Audacity e siga o caminho Arquivo > Importar > Áudio. Encontre o arquivo da linha de bateria que compôs anteriormente para que ela seja carregada na interface do editor. Repita a operação com todos os instrumentos, assim serão carregados vários espectrogramas sonoros e a edição poderá começar a ser feita.
Como se faz um remix de uma música?
Criar um remix
- Selecione Clipe > Remix > Ativar remix na barra de menu.
- Clique com o botão direito no clipe e selecione Remix > Ativar remix.
- Selecione o clipe e clique em Ativar remix no grupo Remix do painel de Propriedades.
What do you need to make a mashup on Audacity?
Collect your mashup samples. Mashups are made of bits and pieces of different songs called "samples". The songs, snippets, and audio tracks you intend to use should be clearly labeled and saved as audio files in a format that Audacity supports, such as .wav files. Put your samples into folders where you can find them when you want to use them.
What can you do with audacity sound editor?
The sound editing program known as Audacity can be used to create all kinds of digital sound files and audio projects. Audacity can even be used to put together a "mashup", or a mix of multiple songs. Mashups use bits of two or more songs and compositions to create an original track - sometimes with stellar results.
How do you make a mashup of two songs?
If you want to speed up your mash-up, you'll want to bump up the BPM of the slower song to match the faster one; otherwise, you'll need to lower the BPM of the faster song to match that of the slower one. Select a song. Click and drag your mouse cursor across the song for which you want to alter the BPM.
What's the best way to make a mash up?
The four primary components of creating a clean mash-up include finding two songs which work well together, adjusting the pitch of the vocals to fit the beat, adjusting the tempo of the two songs to align, and synchronizing the vocals with the proper point in the instrumental. Determine which two songs you want to mash up.