Is Superman stronger than Captain Marvel?

Is Superman stronger than Captain Marvel?
Superman's Kryptonian DNA is stronger than Captain Marvel's Kree DNA. This is why Superman has access to a wider range of superhuman abilities than Captain Marvel. ... As far as strength is concerned, Superman takes the winner spot. Captain Marvel operates at her full strength at all times.
Who is the strongest hero ever?
On every single list I checked with no exception, Superman was listed as the strongest and most powerful superhero of all time.
What did Thor do to help Galactus?
Naturally, Thor is quite reluctant, but seeing no other choice, agrees to aid Galactus. With most of the planets, Thor tries to evacuate the residents to Asgard as refugees, only then allowing Galactus to do his work in destroying the planet.
What did Thor do to the Justice League?
Thor is arguably at the peak of his godly strength right now, having first ascended to become the new Allfather of Asgard and then being infused with the Power Cosmic by Galactus. Galactus needs a mighty herald to help him defeat the Black Winter, a sentient cosmic plague that's currently sweeping the multiverse. It even killed the Justice League.
Who are the heroes that Galactus can't defeat?
A being of immense magical power, Doctor Fate is one of the front-line heroes relied upon to deal with major threats to the planet, and an appearance by Galactus would certainly qualify as one. Despite his formidable abilities, it’s entirely possible that Doctor Fate would be overwhelmed by the World Devourer.
Who is more powerful, rune King Thor or Galactus?
Rune King Thor was said to be more powerful than a pissed-off Odin. Add that with the Odinsword AND the Destroyer armor, thats IMO Overkill for Galactus. Giving these stipulations, Id say RKT wins. Rune King Thor was said to be more powerful than a pissed-off Odin.