How did Thanos lift Mjolnir?

How did Thanos lift Mjolnir?
To stop Cap's swing, Thanos doesn't directly grab the hammer, though. He instead grips Steve's wrist. That led fans to wonder whether Thanos knew he wasn't worthy of lifting Mjolnir. ... Sure, Thanos lifts Stormbreaker, but the ax doesn't have Odin's enchantment on it, so theoretically, anyone strong enough could lift it.
Is Thanos worthy to lift Mjolnir?
No he can't. He is not worthy and has no connection to Mjolnir. Vision could lift it becuase he was in part created by it. ... Thanos could use the reality stone to alter Mjolnir but that is not the same as lifting it.
Can Thanos lift Mjolnir and Stormbreaker?
Only select few are able to lift Mjolnir because they need to be worthy as stated by Odin's enchantment. Anyone who has the strength will be able to lift and wield Stormbreaker as there is no type of enchantment on it. Therefore, Thanos was able to lift and wield Stormbreaker, because he had the strength to do so.
Is Thanos worthy of wielding Mjolnir?
Somehow, Thanos is now worthy of wielding Mjolnir, which itself is infinitely more powerful now that it is combined with all six Infinity Stones. On his left arm, Thanos can also be seen wearing a new dark gauntlet.
Can Thanos lift Stormbreaker?
The answer is NO. Endgame has shown us that at least two types of personalities can lift Stormbreaker and negate the effects that will “drive one crazy and melt their bodies”. A being that possess strength in both physique and mental - such as Mad Titan Thanos.
Can Thanos lift THOR's Hammer?
That led fans to wonder whether Thanos knew he wasn't worthy of lifting Mjolnir . So rather than go for the hammer, he went for its wielder. Sure, Thanos lifts Stormbreaker , but the ax doesn't have Odin 's enchantment on it, so theoretically, anyone strong enough could lift it.
Can Thanos kill Thor?
Thor won’t kill Thanos alone. Not just with his new weapon/toy (the Stormbreaker ). The thing is, Thanos is not an ordinary villain. He is the one character whom Marvel has been teasing since the first trailer of Avengers (2012).