Como acabar com os trigger points?

Como acabar com os trigger points?
A massagem para trigger points começa com deslizamentos leves para preparar o músculo. Depois, são usadas técnicas para remover o ponto. Usam-se pressões, alongamentos e movimentos de torções leves na musculatura.
O que causa ponto de gatilho?
Os pontos-gatilho são pequenos nódulos hipersensíveis localizados na fibra muscular, que podem ser identificados pelo médico com o toque das pontas dos dedos. Esses nódulos surgem devido ao alongamento ou encurtamento da fibra do músculo, que contrai e não consegue relaxar.
Is there any way to get rid of trigger points?
Advanced therapy for people with many stubborn trigger points goes beyond fighting brush fires and in search of medical factors. There are many possible causes of unexplained aches and pains, but trigger points are an interesting piece of the puzzle for many people, and offer some potential for relief. Does your body feel like a toxic waste dump?
How to treat muscle pain with trigger points?
You can control, decrease or eliminate your muscle pain by treating trigger points yourself. When pressure is applied to the trigger point, the pain-spasm cycle is interrupted which helps stop the contraction making the pain go away.
Is there such a thing as too many trigger points?
Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is a chronic pain disorder of too many trigger points. TrPs are usually described as micro-cramps, but the science is half-baked and their nature is controversial. Regardless, these sore spots are as common as pimples, often alarmingly fierce, and they seem to grow like weeds around injuries.
Where are the trigger points in your back?
They are in parts of the muscle where there is decreased circulation, increased muscle contraction, spasm and increased nerve sensitivity causing a sharp pain or a constant ache. They also can cause referred pain, or pain felt in other parts of the body. What causes Trigger Points?