Qual o passado simples de Tell?


Qual o passado simples de Tell?

Qual o passado simples de Tell?

Simple past : forma afirmativa
VerbsSimple past
Think (Pensar)Thought
Tell (Contar)Told
Throw (Jogar)Threw
Understand (Entender)Understood

Como fica to give no Simple Past?

Well, the verb of the day is: give. Dar. Past. Gave.

Qual é o passado de see?

The verb of the day is: see. Ver. Past. Saw.

Qual o passado de Lose?

Mais 1 linha

Como conjugar o verbo give no passado?

  1. I gave.
  2. you gave.
  3. he gave.
  4. we gave.
  5. you gave.
  6. they gave.

Como conjugar o verbo give?

Conjugação do verbo "to give"

  1. Present. I. give. you. give. ...
  2. Present continuous. I. am giving. you. are giving. ...
  3. Simple past. I. gave. you. gave. ...
  4. Past continuous. I. was giving. you. ...
  5. Present perfect. I. have given. you. ...
  6. Present perfect continuous. I. have been giving. you. ...
  7. Past perfect. I. had given. you. ...
  8. Past perfect continuous. I. had been giving. you.

Qual é o passado do verbo SEND?

The verb today is: send. Enviar. Past. Sent.

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