Qual é o passado do verbo Cry?

Qual é o passado do verbo Cry?
Ouça em voz altaPausarcried – o verbo 'cry' vira 'cried' no passado.
Qual a forma correta do verbo Cry no passado simples?
Conjugação do verbo "to cry"
- Present. I. cry. you. cry. ...
- Present continuous. I. am crying. you. are crying. ...
- Simple past. I. cried. you. cried. ...
- Past continuous. I. was crying. you. ...
- Present perfect. I. have cried. you. ...
- Present perfect continuous. I. have been crying. you. ...
- Past perfect. I. had cried. you. ...
- Past perfect continuous. I. had been crying. you.
Como conjugar o verbo Walk no Simple Past?
- I have walked.
- you have walked.
- he/she/it has walked.
- we have walked.
- you have walked.
- they have walked.
Qual o passado do verbo watch?
Ouça em voz altaPausarTo watch (assistir) – watched: I watched a film yesterday.
What does the word walk mean in Portuguese?
Conjugação do verbo "walk" em Inglês Infinitive to walk Participle walked Gerund walking
What does conjugacao do verbo mean in Portuguese?
Simple past. ingles. walked. Past participle. ingles. walked. Mais informações. Conjugação do verbo "to walk". "to walk" tradução.
Is there a conjugar Verbo watch Ingles?
he/she/it has watched. we have watched. you have watched. they have watched. Future. I will watch. you will watch. he/she/it will watch. we will watch.