Como conjugar o verbo want no simple present?


Como conjugar o verbo want no simple present?

Como conjugar o verbo want no simple present?

Conjugação do verbo "to want"

  1. Present. I. want. want. ...
  2. Present continuous. I. am wanting. are wanting. ...
  3. Simple past. I. wanted. wanted. ...
  4. Past continuous. I. was wanting. were wanting. ...
  5. Present perfect. I. have wanted. ...
  6. Present perfect continuous. I. have been wanting. ...
  7. Past perfect. I. had wanted. ...
  8. Past perfect continuous. I. had been wanting.

Qual é o simple past de live?

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Qual o presente perfeito de live?

Exemplo: "present perfect continuous" de "TO LIVE"
You have been livingYou haven't been living
He, she, it has been livingHe hasn't been living
We have been livingWe haven't been living
You have been livingYou haven't been living

Qual o passado de To Live?

lived - Tradução em português – Linguee.

Qual o passado de want?

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Quando usar Live ou lived?

A primeira forma é uma variação do verbo "live", e também significa "viver" ou "morar", a diferença é que está sendo conjugado pelos pronomes he, she ou it. Já a segunda forma não tem nada a ver com a palavra "ao vivo". A segunda forma é o plural da palavra life, que significa "vida", ou seja lives significa "vidas".

What is the conjugacao of the word live?

Conjugação do verbo "live" em Inglês Infinitive to live Participle lived Gerund living

What does conjugacao do verbo mean in Portuguese?

to live. Simple past. ingles. lived. Past participle. ingles. lived. Mais informações. Conjugação do verbo "to live".

What do you mean by live em Ingles?

live. you. live. he / she / it. lives. we. live. you. live.

What does past perfect continuous mean in conjugacao?

Past perfect continuous. I had been going. you had been going. he/she/it had been going. we had been going. you had been going. they had been going. Future perfect continuous. I will have been going.

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