Como fica to Watch no present continuous?

Como fica to Watch no present continuous?
Present Continuos é formado com o acréscimo do sufixo -ing. Nesse caso, o verbo "To Watch" ficaria: watching.
What does conjugacao do verbo " to watch " mean?
Conjugação do verbo "to watch" 1 Conditional. 2 Subjunctive. 3 Imperative. 4 Participle. Conheça os verbos mais usados em Inglês. Jogo recomendado Jogo da forca Jogar ou estudar vocabulário? More ...
Is the past perfect continuous in conjugacao read?
Past perfect continuous. I had been reading. you had been reading. he/she/it had been reading. we had been reading. you had been reading. they had been reading. Future perfect continuous. I will have been reading.
What does conjugacao em Ingles mean in Portuguese?
to watch. Simple past. ingles. watched. Past participle. ingles. watched. Mais informações. Conjugação do verbo "to watch".
Which is the best definition of " present continuous "?
Present continuous. I am reading. you are reading. he/she/it is reading. we are reading. you are reading. they are reading. Present perfect. I have read.