Quem pode derrotar o Jiren?
- Quem pode derrotar o Jiren?
- Quem é mais forte Jiren ou Beerus?
- Quem vence Goku ou Jiren?
- Quem é mais forte Kefla ou Jiren?
- Is it possible for Jiren to defeat Beerus?
- Who is better at defeating Jiren Goku or Whis?
- Who are the heroes that Jiren can't defeat?
- Who is stronger than Jiren in Dragon Ball Super?

Quem pode derrotar o Jiren?
Beerus e sua forma de Instinto Superior, embora não seja dominado perfeitamente, é possivelmente mais forte que o antagonista multiversal. E se Beerus for realmente mais poderoso que Jiren, Broly também o é.
Quem é mais forte Jiren ou Beerus?
O Deus da Destruição do Universo 7, Beerus, que era capaz de enfrentar seis deuses sozinho, é mais forte do que Jiren e pode vencê-lo, embora com algum esforço.
Quem vence Goku ou Jiren?
Em contrapartida, podemos argumentar que o potencial do Jiren é ainda mais assustador e nada impede que em um revanche ele demonstre alguma nova carta na manga, capaz de rivalizar de igual para igual com Goku. Na nossa opinião, Goku venceria.
Quem é mais forte Kefla ou Jiren?
Bem, a resposta é que Kefla tem provavelmente o mesmo nível de força que Gohan, no máximo. ... Além de Goku ter gasto muito chi durante a luta contra Jiren, seu corpo também estava muito cansado quando enfrentou Kefla, o que acabou gerando uma imensa vantagem para a fusão durante um bom tempo.
Is it possible for Jiren to defeat Beerus?
Even if Jiren could defeat Beerus (which is questionable), he wouldn't be able to match Whis's speed and power, let alone outmatch it. Android 17 was the ultimate winner of the Tournament of Power, but if he had to fight Jiren alone, things certainly wouldn't have turned out that way.
Who is better at defeating Jiren Goku or Whis?
Whis knows Ultra Instinct as well and it seems that his skills with this power are far greater than Goku's. In terms of power, Whis can likely destroy anything that he wants and for him, defeating Jiren shouldn't be a task too arduous.
Who are the heroes that Jiren can't defeat?
4 Can Defeat: Vegeta Because of his Super Saiyan Blue Evolution transformation, Vegeta was able to eliminate Toppo from the Tournament of Power. Toppo was training to become his universe's God of Destruction, so this wasn't a small feat. Even with this accomplishment, he wouldn't have what it takes to defeat Jiren.
Who is stronger than Jiren in Dragon Ball Super?
In spite of being Goku and Krillin's teacher, he still wasn't powerful enough to defeat Jiren. In Dragon Ball Super , Jiren is said to be a mortal who is stronger than a God of Destruction. Because of this, he is rumored to be able to beat his own God of Destruction, Belmod, and possibly Beerus.