What are possessive verbs?


What are possessive verbs?

What are possessive verbs?

Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. The possessive pronouns are my, our, your, his, her, its, and their. There's also an “independent” form of each of these pronouns: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs. Possessive pronouns are never spelled with apostrophes.

How do you use possessive verbs?

Using the possessive before a gerund We often put a noun or pronoun in front of a gerund to show who or what is doing the action in the gerund. This noun or pronoun is called the subject of the gerund. In formal writing, the subject of the gerund should be in the possessive form: Your leaving early was a wise decision.

Is have a possessive verb?

The verbs below are used for "possession" (have, belong, own, posses). ... Possessive forms are frequently modifiers for verb forms used as nouns, or gerunds. Using the possessive will affect how we read the sentence. Usually, almost always in fact, we use the possessive form of a noun or pronoun to modify a gerund.

Can an adjective be possessive?

They are words that modify a noun to show a form of possession, a sense of belonging or ownership to a specific person, animal or thing. The possessive adjectives that are used in the English language are: my, your, our, its, her, his, and their; each one corresponds to a subject pronoun.

What is possessive pronoun give 5 examples?

Examples of Possessive Pronouns in Sentences

  • The kids are yours and mine.
  • The house is theirs and its paint is flaking.
  • The money was really theirs for the taking.
  • We shall finally have what is rightfully ours.
  • Their mother gets along well with yours.
  • What's mine is yours, my friend.
  • The dog is mine.
  • The cat is yours.

What is the difference between a possessive pronoun and a possessive adjective?

A possessive adjective is always followed by a noun. A possessive pronoun is used without a noun. ... Examples are: his, hers, yours, theirs, ours, mine etc.

What is a possessive phrase example?

Possessive pronouns include my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your and yours. ... Here are some basic examples of possessive pronouns used in sentences: The kids are yours and mine. The house is theirs and its paint is flaking.

What is a possessive form examples?

We form possessives from singular nouns by adding an apostrophe ( ' ) and an "s" to the end of the word. Examples: dog = I built the dog's house. man = She fixed the man's phone.

What is a possessive pronoun example?

Possessive pronouns describe what things belong to which people, like "her shoe" or "the book is mine." Possessive pronouns can be adjectives, like "his bicycle," or they can stand in for nouns, like "the seats are theirs." Neither of these forms should have apostrophes to show possession -- so it's ours (not our's) ...

What are possessive nouns examples?

A possessive noun shows ownership by adding an apostrophe, an "s" or both....Singular & Plural Possessive Pronouns

  • That is mine.
  • My car runs great.
  • His work is good.
  • Her diet is working.
  • The bag is hers.
  • The house is ours.
  • I see your coat. ( singular)
  • It is all yours. ( plural)

How to make something possessive?

Using Possessive 's Singular Nouns. For all singular nouns, we make the possessive form by adding 's. 'Girl' is the noun. ... Plural Nouns. Most plural nouns end in s. ... Living Things and Inanimate Objects. We usually use possessive 's when we are talking about living things, such as people, groups of people, and animals.

What does possessive mean grammar?

Definition of the possessive. grammar. : the form of a word that shows possession or belonging. The possessive of "it" is "its.".

Can You give Me Some examples of possessive nouns?

Examples of this type of plural possessive noun include: Umbrellas' handles are sometimes carved. Witches' hats are usually pointed. Judges' wigs were powered in the old days. The fairies' wings were iridescent. Cherries' stones can break your teeth if you are not careful.

What are possessive pronoun words?

Possessive pronouns include my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your and yours. These are all words that demonstrate ownership. If the book belongs to me, then it is mine.

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