Can SoulSilver trade with black?

Can SoulSilver trade with black?
This is a ONE-WAY TRANSFER! Pokémon sent from Pokémon SoulSilver to Pokémon Black cannot be sent back to Pokémon SoulSilver! To transfer pokémon from Pokémon SoulSilver to Pokémon Black, go to Route 15 in Pokémon Black and go into the Poké Transfer Lab.
What pokémon games can Platinum trade with?
You can trade between Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver with no restrictions.
Can you trade online in Pokemon Platinum?
(Internet trades are no longer possible for Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold, or Pokémon SoulSilver.)
How do you trade in platinum 2020?
In the room, talk to the player that you want to trade with. When the menu appears, choose Trade. Now select the pokémon that you want to trade, and choose TRADE when prompted. You will see the pokémon that the other player wants to trade.
Can you trade from Platinum to SoulSilver?
2 Answers. Yes, from the WiFi Club and GTS. If you have two DS' and those two Games, then you can trade from the Union Room as well.
Can you trade from black to Diamond?
Sorry, but it's not possible to trade from Pokémon Black to Pokémon Diamond. That's because pokémon can't be traded from newer games to older ones.
Can you trade from heart Gold to Black 2?
Pokémon sent from Pokémon HeartGold to Pokémon Black 2 cannot be sent back to Pokémon HeartGold! To transfer pokémon from Pokémon HeartGold to Pokémon Black 2, go to Route 15 in Pokémon Black 2 and go into the Poké Transfer Lab. ... When you are informed that the pokémon can't be sent back, choose Yes.