Como usar o Lutris no Linux?

Como usar o Lutris no Linux?
Instalando o Lutris no Linux
- Abra o terminal na sua distro Linux;
- Adicione o PPA do Lutris no seu Ubuntu com o comando abaixo: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris.
- Agora atualize os repositórios da sua distro com o comando abaixo: sudo apt-get update.
- Instale o Lutris com o comando: sudo apt-get install lutris.
Como configurar o Lutris?
1. Adicionar e instalar manualmente um jogo/aplicativo no Lutris:
- Clique no botão “+” e depois em “Add Game”. 1-1446×604 68.9 KB.
- Configure as informações básicas do jogo/aplicativo e depois clique em “Save” para salvar as configurações e adicionar o programa à biblioteca do Lutris:
How to install Epic Games Store on Linux?
Note: I used Ubuntu 19.04 to test Epic Games store for Linux. To install Epic Games Store on your Linux system, make sure that you have Lutris installed with its pre-requisites Wine and Python 3. So, first install Wine on Ubuntu or whichever Linux you are using and then download Lutris from its website.
Are there any games on Epic Games Store?
Yes, the Epic Games Store does work. But, all the games don’t. Well, I haven’t tried everything, but I grabbed a free game (Transistor – a turn-based ARPG game) to check if that works. Unfortunately, it didn’t. It says that it is “Running” when I launch it but then again, nothing happens.
Is the Epic Games Store compatible with Lutris?
Lutris has recently announced that you can now use Epic Games Store using Lutris. Epic Games Store is a digital video game distribution platform like Steam. It only supports Windows and macOS for the moment.
Are there any games that can run on Linux?
Steam might be new in the field of Windows games on Linux but Lutris has been doing it for years. Lutris is an open source gaming platform for Linux where it provides installers for game clients like Origin, Steam, app and so on. It utilizes Wine to run stuff that isn’t natively supported on Linux.