Como instalar MinGW 64 bits?


Como instalar MinGW 64 bits?

Como instalar MinGW 64 bits?

Instalando o Mingw

  1. Faça o download da última versão instalador do MinGW (o nome do arquivo é mingw-get-int-XXXXXXXX.exe, em que o XXXXXXXX é a data da versão);
  2. Depois de terminado o download, execute o arquivo, em diferentes telas, selecione as opções:

Como baixar MinGW w64?

Baixe o MinGW acessando SourceForge, clique depois em Installer e em seguida clique em mingw-get-setup.exe, espere o download finalizar, e execute o aplicativo.

How to install MinGW 64 on Windows 10?

How to install MinGW 64 on windows 10 1 I went to: and clicked the download button. 2 According to the tutorials i saw there should be an installer but all i got is a folder named 'mingw-w64-v7.0.0' More ...

Is the MinGW-w64 project a runtime environment?

The mingw-w64 project is a complete runtime environment for gcc to support binaries native to Windows 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems. crt: Add libopends60.a.

Why is the MinGW W64 download so slow?

The download of files is EXTREMELY slow and suddenly the installation fails. This issue has been reported by others already. As this issue is not related at all with the functionality of the package I give them 5 stars expecting to have a solution as soon as possible.

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