Como jogar Rummy de números?

Como jogar Rummy de números?
Coloque as pedras na mesa com a face numerada voltada para baixo e misture-as. Peça a cada jogador que escolha uma pedra (o curinga não conta e, se for escolhido, deve ser trocado). Quem tiver a pedra mais alta começa a partida. O jogo segue no sentido horário.
Quantas peças têm o jogo Rummikub?
106 peças O jogo Rummikub envolve até 4 participantes simultaneamente, e é composto por 106 peças, subdivididas em 08 conjuntos. Na Figura1, podemos observar que esses conjuntos são compostos por peças numeradas de 1 a 13, em quatro cores diferentes (azul, laranja, vermelho e preto), a cada dois conjuntos.
How does the game of Rummikub work?
To begin playing, all tiles appear face-down on the table. Each player receives 14 random tiles, which are placed on the player's rack, while the remaining tiles form the tile pool. The game now begins, starting with the "Initial Meld" move (explained below). Groups include at least 3 tiles of the same number – each one in a different color.
What are the rules for Jokers in Rummikub?
All rules apply to both jokers, regardless of color (red or black). Either joker can be used to complete any set. Two jokers CAN be used in a single set. A joker on the table may be replaced with a suitable tile from the table or from the player's rack, and the player may then use the joker in another set.
How many number tiles are there in Rummikub?
The object of the game is to be the first player to place all their tiles on the table. The game includes 106 tiles: 104 colored number tiles, plus 2 jokers. Each tile displays a number ranging from 1 to 13, in four colors: black, blue, yellow and red. All tiles appear twice, except for the jokers.
What happens if there is no time limit in Rummikub?
If a player does not complete their move within the time limit, the player must return all tiles to their previous position and take a penalty of three tiles from the pool. (The default is no time limit). If the game has not yet been won but all tiles in the pool have been used, each player has just one more turn.