Como jogar o The Sims no celular?

Como jogar o The Sims no celular?
Como jogar The Sims FreePlay grátis no Android, iPhone e Windows Phone
- The Sims FreePlay é a versão grátis do simulador de pessoas para Android, iOS (iPhone), Windows Phone. ...
- Abra o The Sims FreePlay e clique em iniciar um novo jogo. ...
- A criação de personagem funciona como no The Sims para PC.
O que tem no The Sims Mobile?
No The Sims Mobile, os jogadores são capazes de criar Sims únicos com o criador de personagens no jogo (Crie-um-Sim), construir casas, iniciar famílias e controlar a vida de seus Sims.
Como aposentar um sim no The Sims Mobile?
Como funciona a aposentadoria? Os Sims podem se aposentar quando você chegar ao nível 16 e eles tiverem maximizado seus traços, mas só se você quiser. Seus Sims vão dizer a você quando estiverem prontos para se aposentar. Quando os seus Sims se aposentam, deixam uma Herança para os seus outros Sims.
How can I download Sims 4 on my phone?
Click one of the SIMS 4 mobile download links – you click them and download the application on your phone. Remember to enable the option to download files from other sources than Google Play Store or iTunes – in that way the access to SIMS 4 download installing device will not be disturbed.
Is there a Sims 4 app for Android?
The Sims 4 Android game (iOS Compatible) is hands down the best release this year, especially for the main sims fans that have always wanted to play on the go. Sims 4 mobile is more than just an open world adventure, it's pretty much like having a second life in the palm of your hands.
What do you need to know about Sims 4 mobile?
The Sims 4 Mobile is a life simulator of ordinary people issued on AND and iOS systems. The production makes use of free model with micropayments. It was developed by Electronic Arts studio.According to traditions of the series, The Sims Mobile focus on simulating the life of virtual figures.
When did The Sims 4 Mobile come out?
The Sims 4 Mobile for Android and iOS is yet another edition of series that is popular all over the world. Just like in previous cases, this simulator of life was created by American studio called Maxis. The first game of The Sims series had its premiere in 2000.