Como jogar de Yasuo vs Akali?


Como jogar de Yasuo vs Akali?

Como jogar de Yasuo vs Akali?

Yasuo ganha antes do nível 6, então jogue recuado e foque em farmar. Depois do nível 6, fique jogando o Q para ele usar sua passiva, depois disso dê outro Q, então pule e faça seu combo.

Quem ganha Fizz ou Akali?

Unfortunitally, Akali has done a below average job of countering Fizz. Normally, Akali wins a acceptable 49.0% of matches the champions face one another in.

O que é forte contra Akali?

Sem dúvida, recomendaremos que você consiga o anjo da guarda ou Zhonyas para evitar todos os danos que Akali tem e fazê-lo contra-atacar, pois ele não poderá lhe dar o SO duas vezes se ele já tiver usado seu derradeiro (a menos que ele vá muito alimentado, então ele será capaz de).

Como Counterar Akali de Irelia?

Melhores itens para Irelia counterar Akali

  1. Anjo Guardião.
  2. Sinal de Sterak.
  3. Espada do Rei Destruído.

How often does Yasuo have to counter Akali?

Yasuo has to counter Akali in 67.8% of his games. Yasuo does a good job of countering Akali. Normally, Yasuo wins a whopping 53.0% of matches the champs face off with each other in. In Yasuo against Akali rounds, Yasuo’s team is 1.0% less likely to obtain first blood, indicating that he probably won't be able to get first blood versus Akali.

Which is the best runes to counter Akali?

Best Yasuo Runes to Counter Akali To have the best chance of annihilating Akali as Yasuo, you should take the Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Bloodline, Last Stand, Sudden Impact, and Ravenous Hunter runes. Of all the runes we have analyed for Yasuo vs Akali matchups, this combination of runes resulted in the greatest win rate.

Which is better, Akali or Yasuo MOBA champion?

In Akali vs Yasuo matchups, Akali commonly racks up less CS than Yasuo. Champs that do not earn much CS usually don't have to have much CS to be effective. They are capable of scaling well off their abilities alone. Yet, champions with large numbers of minion kills, such as ADCs, typically have to have a lot of items to be effective.

What's the best way to counter Akali W?

Use Pinks (Vision Wards) to counter Akali W. It should provide you better accuracy doing combo. Post 6, she counters you. You need to accept this. Let go of your pride and allow yourself to be zoned. Grab potions to survive her spell rotation. Buy a dorans and maybe some lifesteal runes to keep yourself in lane. Roam a lot. Be useful to your team.

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